Keep Calm, I'm turning 30 (only)
Well Well Well... every good thing comes to an end, I will no longer have the chance to say "I'm in my twenties" when someone asks for my age... It kinda makes me sad a little. But hey, let's see the bright side of things, I have another ten years to go before I change to the other decade. Plus, it's been said, 30s are the best time of our life. Can't wait to see. So to all my friends turning 30 this year : Let's rock the thirties ladies !
To be fair, I must say that the first 30 years of my life have been quite awesome, filled with so much blessings and beautiful people met, kind souls and uplifting encounters. Not to mention, friends who are there to always listen, or not - yeah sometimes there's a fine line not to cross between friends and shrinks - but they're always there no matter how whiny I can be and that's what counts, right ? and then there's family, and life's little bundles of joy such as an oh-so cute nephew you could eat if you were a cannibal...
So thank you Life, Thank You God, thanks for listening to my whining and my prayers and for answering them -well.. not always like I'd wish You would...- but always the best way to make me a better person. I'm grateful.
Thank you, you and you...each one of you who made my life brighter, sweeter these past 30 years. Let's stay on the same path! As far as I'm concerned, I won't lose track of you.
I know it's all so cheeeeesy but oh-so true.
To be fair, I must say that the first 30 years of my life have been quite awesome, filled with so much blessings and beautiful people met, kind souls and uplifting encounters. Not to mention, friends who are there to always listen, or not - yeah sometimes there's a fine line not to cross between friends and shrinks - but they're always there no matter how whiny I can be and that's what counts, right ? and then there's family, and life's little bundles of joy such as an oh-so cute nephew you could eat if you were a cannibal...
So thank you Life, Thank You God, thanks for listening to my whining and my prayers and for answering them -well.. not always like I'd wish You would...- but always the best way to make me a better person. I'm grateful.
Thank you, you and you...each one of you who made my life brighter, sweeter these past 30 years. Let's stay on the same path! As far as I'm concerned, I won't lose track of you.
I know it's all so cheeeeesy but oh-so true.
Bon il paraît qu'il y a un temps pour tout ... Pour moi il est temps de dire au revoir à ma vingtaine -un peu la larme à l'oeil - et de passer à celle des "vieux" comme on disait quand on avait 10 ans. Mais si rappelles toi bien, toi aussi quand quelqu'un te disait j'ai 30 ans, tu disais " quoi ?!? mais c'est vieuuuuuuuux" et tu pensais qu'à cet âge là tu aurais déjà depuis belle lurette une belle voiture, une belle maison, un beau mari et des beaux enfants; bah voilà on y est, sans la voiture, la maison, le mari ni les enfants. Arf...allez c'est pas non plus la mort. 30 ans c'est le bel âge il paraît...paraît que c'est là où la femme est la plus belle, la plus épanouie...allez, je demande à voir! Bon allez, sans déconner, je suis reconnaissante pour 30 premières années de ma vie qui ont été très belles, pleines de belles rencontres, de bénédictions, d'amis toujours là pour t'écouter -ou pas, parce que des fois y'a des limites au pleurnichage- mais toujours là en tout cas... la famille, les bonheurs de la vie du genre un neveu tellement mignon que tu pourrais le manger si tu étais cannibale. Alors Merci la vie, merci Dieu de supporter mes plaintes, d'écouter mes prières, d'y répondre -bon ok pas toujours comme j'aimerais- mais en nul point douter, toujours de la meilleure façon qu'il soit pour m'élever. Merci à tous ceux qui ont rendu ma vie plus belle pendant ces 30 années, restez sur mon chemin, moi je ne vous oublie pas -mais nan c'est pas du Céline Dion !! rohhh ...
voilà c'est tout cheesy mais tellement vrai.