The amazing lands of OZ and NZ | Carnet de voyage d'Australie

Hi folks ! Sorry I've been away from the blog for a while but now I'm back on track and ready to share some pictures of the amazing trip I did in Australia and New-Zealand. I don't think many words are needed to describe how amazing these two countries are. Some of the keywords for this trip : amazing, landscape, wow, sunset, sunrise, stars, aborigine, mystical, Maori, adventures, breathe, letting go.
 Pictures will speak for themselves - hopefully.

** SYDNEY **

** Avalon Beach **

** The Red Center **
If you go to Australia, you MUST visit the Red Center. The land is filled with so much history, mystical vibes, colors, textures, etc. Sleeping outside under the Australian sky was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, seeing shooting stars and the Milky Way. If you're looking for a guided tour, Wayout Back might be the best agency you can find. And if you are lucky, you'll have Katie as a guide; she's the most amazing guide ! Driving through 1,500km in three days, walking and exploring, explaining and cooking the best homemade food one can ever cook on a camp fire -non stop for 3 days...are some of her skills.

Katie even made homemade bread in this pot below, how amazing ! I can even bake bread in a proper oven!

** New Zealand **

Spent just a few days in the magical land. Traveled to Christchurch, Aotearoa, had a nap with seals and a swim with dolphins in Kaikoura, discovered the amazing Arthur's Pass - famous for the Lord of the Rings landscape with an mind-blowing journey on the TranzAlpine and its windowless carriage.

If you have one country to visit this year it HAS TO be Australia or New Zealand. Don't miss out on those two magical lands. It's too beautiful for your eyes not to see it and your heart not to feel it.
If you don't have the chance to travel that far, keep on exploring, be an adventurer in your own city, your own country, there's so much beauty out there and life is too short to see it all. So get out people !

Love, Cx

One place is missing on this post is MELBOURNE. The reason being that this city is SO amazing, it deserves a post on its own ! So stay tuned, it'll be coming next.

Magical Switzerland | Destination Wedding Photography
