Colin & Sarah in Paris | When Instagram works its magic

"He's more myself than I am,
Whatever our souls are made of,
His and mine are the same."
-Emilie Brontë

This is what these two lovebirds inspire me. 
If you're a little bit active on Instagram, you might have stumbled upon one of their accounts for sure (@colincabalka and @sarahcabalka). Colin is a filmaker and Sarah is a photographer. They have been among the most inspiring persons to me since I joined Instagram. The love they show for one another but also for humanity in general is so uplifting and inspiring. Yeah I know, I've used the word "inspiring" too many times in these four first lines. But they just are! Anyways, when I knew they were travelling through Europe, I really wanted to meet them if they happened to pass by Paris. Unfortunately, Paris wasn't on their initial plan. But fate finally decided that they should go to Paris after they scribbled country names on paper and threw them into a hat, France came out twice and here they were, in my city. I didn't have time to show them all my favorite spots in Paris on the day we met, nonetheless we still had a great afternoon strolling around the city, of course we couldn't miss my favorite bookshop : Shakespeare and Company and a great coffee at la Caféothèque since they're both coffee lovers.

Sharing our experience about being young (can't believe they're not even 25...) and entrepreneurs, about travelling and having meaningful experiences; made me realize how much I want to use photography not only to create beauty but also to serve others, give back what God has given me as a gift in order to create something meaningful for people, souvenirs they will hold dear from generation to generation. I really like this quote:

"When I stand before God at the end of my life,
 I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me."
Erma Bombeck

Truly, this makes me feel very grateful and thankful that photography walked into my life, I don't really think I deserve any of what has been happening in my life for the past few years, but THANK YOU to anyone who has made all this possible, I'm feeling blessed. (Tanya J. if you're reading this, you're the angel who offered me that analog Olympus one fine day in 2007. Kindface, you're the one who has been developing my first rolls for free. You guys made it all started. M.E.R.C.I). 

And lastly, to anyone out there reading this : BELIEVE YOU CAN, YOU WILL.


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