Celine Chhuon Celine Chhuon

Moi, Céline, fille de réfugiés | Une note personnelle

Moi, Céline, fille de réfugiés, je t'écris cette lettre à toi, Europe qui a peur d'ouvrir tes frontières à "ces gens là".

Moi, Céline, fille de réfugiés, je t'écris cette lettre à toi, Europe qui a peur d'ouvrir tes frontières à "ces gens là".

Tout d'abord, comment ne pas tomber dans le pathos, les raccourcis, les amalgames, quand tout autour de nous: média, discussions de comptoirs, réseaux sociaux... nous poussent à le faire?

Et bien, peut-être faut-il chercher au plus profond de nous même, les réponses à nos questions plutôt que d'écouter les autres donner leur avis sur une problématique que peu comprennent - y compris moi, vous et tous ceux qui n'ont pas vécu la guerre, la peur, l'effroi de voir ses proches disparaître sous ses yeux, les longues marches sans boussole ni carte, mais avec l'espoir de trouver un ailleurs meilleur; car de toutes les façons, rien ne peut être pire que ce qu'on vit déjà ici.

Alors on saute dans un


radeau de fortune et puis on prie. On prie pour arriver sur la terre ferme, on prie qu'aujourd'hui ne soit qu'un cauchemar et que demain, on se réveillera sur un territoire neutre, qui voudra bien nous accueillir.

C'est ce que mes parents ont fait, il y a un peu plus de 30 ans.

Sauf qu'à l'époque, les média étaient un peu moins oppressants et n'avaient pas encore réussi à convaincre la moitié de la planète, que "ces gens là" étaient un problème.

Au fond, quel est ton problème chère Europe ? As-tu peur que "ces gens là" viennent troubler l'équilibre de ton système socio-économique déjà bien fragile ? As-tu peur que "ces gens là" viennent "profiter du système" ? As-tu peur que tes terres soient envahies par des "terroristes potentiels" ?

Par contre, quand un des tes gouvernementsreçoit des dictateurs, des chefs de gouvernement totalitaire, personne ne panique, tout est normal, c'est de la Di.Plo.Ma.Tie. Mais bon, ceci est un autre débat...

Arrêtons de nous faire manipuler par les média, la société, réfléchissons 2 secondes.

Croyez-vous vraiment que parce que "ces gens là" ont vécu dans un pays totalitaire aveuglé par des fanatiques, qu'ils le sont eux-mêmes ?

Qu'ils vont venir souiller "votre" pays par leur présence ingrate et inutile ?

Mes parents ont fui le Cambodge pendant la guerre menée par le régime des Khmers rouges et Pol Pot, dictateur sanguinaire qui - pour la faire très courte - a zigouillé 1.7 millions de personnes soit 20% de la population de l'époque. Un "détail de l'Histoire" comme diraient certains ...

Est-ce pour autant que mes parents sont arrivés en France avec ces idées sanguinaires ? Non.

Sont-ils devenus des parias de la société française ? Non.

Leurs enfants sont-il devenus des voyous, non intégrés, incapables de suivre un parcours scolaire blablabla ? Non.

Moi, Céline, fille de réfugiés. J'ai grandi en Seine Saint-Denis, dans le 9.3 comme on dit. J'ai obtenu un bac S, intégré une prépa, fini avec un BAC+5 et suis devenue chef d'entreprise aujourd'hui. Non, je ne dis pas ça parce que j'ai les chevilles plus grosses que les colonnes d'Hercule, mais pour vous dire que toutes ces idées préconçues que nous avons dans nos petites têtes, c'est des c**neries.

"Qu'est-ce qu'on va bien pouvoir faire d'eux ?", c'est bien la question que tout le monde se pose, nan ?

 Mais toi, quand tu es venu au monde, sur cette terre, ce sol, ce territoire qui ne t'appartient pas,

à la maternité, la sage femme t'a-t-elle dit: "mais qu'est ce qu'on va bien faire de toi? Tu ne parles pas français, tu ne connais rien à la société dans laquelle tu vas être intégré....vraiment, qu'est ce qu'on va bien pouvoir faire de toi?"

Oui la comparaison est ridicule, mais parce que la question EST ridicule !

Comment ça qu'est ce qu'on va faire d'eux ? Bah on va faire comme toi tu as fais, apprendre à marcher dans un monde nouveau, apprendre à communiquer, apprendre un métier, voire même transmettre son métier, car qui te dis que "ces gens là" n'en savent pas plus que toi sur tout un tas de sujet?!

"Ces gens là", ils auront même peut être encore plus la niaque que vous et moi, de travailler, d'avoir le sentiment de servir à quelque chose, d'être reconnaissants pour tout ce que "VOTRE" pays, devenu le leur, leur a apporté.

Aujourd'hui, le débat se résume à la journaliste qui fait des croche-pattes et des coups de pieds arrière-retournés- (encore une carrière ratée, elle aurait pu être sportive de haut niveau en taekwondo) - alors on s'insurge : c'est honteux, c'est inhumain, blablabla. OUI c'est vrai, ca l'est.

Mais nous, TOI, MOI, on fait quoi en attendant ? Bah on ne fait rien, et ça, c'est peut être pire.

"Ces gens là", ils ne sont ni moins bien ni mieux que toi et moi, ils sont juste COMME toi et moi : Humains.


Alors peut-être te sens-tu impuissante, douce Europe, face à la gestion "logistique" de cette situation, mais peut-être que si on commençait juste à se traiter les uns les autres avec dignité et respect, si on évitait d'envoyer la police tabasser les arrivants à la frontière, si on évitait de faire de "ces gens là" des bêtes de foire dans les média, si tu te rappelais qu'il n’y a pas si longtemps tu avais ouvert tes portes à d'autres réfugiés comme mes parents, qui t'ont permis d'être l'Europe que tu es aujourd'hui, qui ont bâti des immeubles, ouvert des commerces, envoyer leurs enfants à l'école, participer à ton développement économique et culturel. Alors, peut-être, je dis bien peut-être que tu arriveras à voir la situation sous un autre angle. Celui où l’entraide, la solidarité, l’unité et la fraternité ne sont pas que des concepts abstraits.

Parce que oui, dis toi bien, Europe, que tu es en train d’abandonner tes frères, tes sœurs et tes parents, "ces gens là" font partie de ta famille – la famille Humaine - et que s’ils souffrent, tu souffriras aussi. Car l’humanité n’est qu’une, originellement.

Alors comme les mots me manquent, et qu'en parlant d'amour universel, je tomberai dans la case "utopiste", je me raccroche à ma Foi en l'humanité, en ce qu'il y a de bon dans chacun de nous...et à ces mots, que je t'adresse Ô toi belle Europe :

"Ne savez-vous pas pourquoi Nous vous avons tous créés de la même Poussière ? C'est Pour que nul ne s'élève au-dessus des autres. Méditez sans cesse sur la manière dont vous fûtes créés. Puisque Nous vous avons tous faits d'une même substance, il vous incombe d'être comme une seule âme, allant d'un même pas, mangeant d'une même bouche et habitant la même terre afin que, du tréfonds de vous-mêmes, par vos actes et par vos œuvres, les signes de l'unité et l'essence du détachement puissent se manifester. Tel est le conseil que je vous donne, ô assemblée de lumière. Suivez-le attentivement, afin de récolter le fruit de sainteté sur l'arbre de gloire merveilleuse."



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Celine Chhuon Celine Chhuon

How to get inspired

Truth is, most of the time, I get inspired by tiny details and moments of everyday life.I am inspired by the ever changing clouds, the song of the rain on the window, the sun rays beaming through the leaves - did you know that theJapanese have a specific words for that?? it's called Komorebi

Oftentimes, I've felt guilty not doing what artists "should do" to get inspired - should do as in what society or others think artists do to get inspired e.g. walking through museums, trying to understand all form of arts (modern art, contemporary dance, performances, etc) or following famous photographers and knowing everything about their career... I felt that there might be something wrong with me not doing those things that others seem to be doing on a regular basis.

But then I recently came to think that doing like everyone else is not necessarily the "normal" thing to do, we're all unique, and we all get inspired in different ways.

I don't want to force myself going to the museum, looking at modern art that i don't understand and doesn't inspire me, I don't wanna do things because that's what people think I should do. I want to do things in a purposeful way, in a way that's meaningful to me.

Truth is, most of the time, I get inspired by tiny details and moments of everyday life.

I am inspired by the ever changing clouds, the song of the rain on the window, the sun rays beaming through the leaves - did you know that theJapanese have a specific words for that?? it's called Komorebi

-Love that word - the burst of laughter of my nephew, the smell of dad's cooking, the hands that hold, the eyes that talk, the lips that whisper... the list is endless just as life's beauty.

And sometimes we find inspiration in the least expected ways...

Just like last week, when I was sitting on the train on my way home, the man next to me was reading some sort of magazine that looked like geeks' scientific magazines, his eyes were frenetically scanning the pages, I first looked at him quite condescendingly I must admit. I then sneak peeked again above my shoulder to see what was so exciting about this magazine, then I found myself hypnotized by what my eyes were seeing... They were images of the Universe captured by the telescope Hubble

- Of course, I didn't know that's what it was at first- all I could see was a burst of amazing colors, voluptuous shapes created by what looked like galaxies and stars. I couldn't stop staring at the pages and I think the man noticed. He then kinda slowed down his reading to let me enjoy the moment too. He didn't say a word but I could hear : Yes, I know, it's amazing, here, have a look, I'm sharing with you.... and then it was time for me to alight at my stop. I wanted to thank him, ask him what was the name of the magazine...but I didn't dare. Damn it.

After that, I looked frenetically in every newspaper kiosk for that magazine... and one evening last week I found it! and I read it like an obsessed geek on the train home. And I'm reading it again as I'm sitting here typing with a cup of tea, chocolate and biscuits...like a Granny would read her horoscope.

 It was seriously, one of the most inspiring and fascinating things I've read and seen for a while. Here are the reasons why :

First, because we tend to forget how amazing the Universe we live in is.

When I looked at these images I sometimes had to pinch myself to believe all this is real, it's here, all around us. I realized how we belittle the world we live in, because we are so focused on our daily lives, on our daily problems, that we tend to think that the center of the Universe is US and what surrounds US, we forget to look at a higher level, take a step back and look at the whole Universe around us and its beauty.

Antennae galaxies (c) NASA images

This is Orion nebula ... now, I dare you not to be amazed... (c) NASA images

Second, because the story of Hubble is one of a kind and can resonate in many of us I think. When the telescope was created, only a few scientists believed in the project. Many thought it'll never work out as they considered the very first attempts as failures. But because a handful of people was determined to make it work, because they believed it will be a milestone for science, change the way we perceive the Universe, through a new way of capturing images directly from above versus from the earth, they pushed through and managed to launch Hubble out there in 1990. 25 years later, Hubble has captured more than half a million (!!) images in archives and has transformed the way scientists and public understand the epic scale and structure of our space. 

Galaxy M106 (c)NASA images

Now tell me that you didn't say : "wow" at least once while looking at these pics. I invite you to Google "Hubble" and read more about it. You'll be hooked !

 Conclusion: don't stick to the rules, don't cave under social pressure, don't do what others think you should do. Believe in yourself. The Universe will respond.

A special THANKS to the man on the train.


C x

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Weddings Celine Chhuon Weddings Celine Chhuon

A romantic wedding in French Provence

outdoor ceremony in French Provence
romantic French Provence wedding
Olive trees in Provence - Celine Chhuon Phototography
Boutonniere and Cascading bouquet eucalyptus and lunaria
Original calligraphy invitation suite
cascading bouquet and ring box
barefeet bride
Beautiful Barefeet French bride
romantic wedding in French Provence shot on film
outdoor wedding bride on a tree
crying bride
coupld in love in French Provence
Bride blowing dress
bride and groom kliss
groom suit by faubourg saint sulpice
bespoke bride dress by rime arodaky
couple in love with gorgeous light
beautiful smiling bride in French Provence

I consider myself lucky to be a wedding photographer in France because this country has so much to offer for the eyes, every countryside is a feast for my heart and eyes. I must say that I have a soft spot for weddings in Provence. Provence always amazes me with its gorgeous light and pretty pastel color palette.

This styled wedding for Light workshop was no exception. When you add an incredible team of creatives to this gorgeous background, it can only be amazing.

The bride is wearing a bespoke dress created by the ever-so talented Rime Arodaky. And the set up was created by the magic wedding planner duo Jennifer and Kerry at Lavender and Rose. They really did magic on that day as it was so so windy, eveything was blown away by the wind, but they still managed to create this gorgeous outdoor ceremony setting with the help of Laëtitia, florist (one of the best I know) who created an amazing cascading bouquet with Eucalyptus and Lunaria and the decoration of the stairs.

As for the location, I completely fell head over heels for this place: 

Domaines de Patras. A little paradise nestled between olive trees and lavender fields, surrounded with horses and donkeys; it's a place where you feel at peace. Kéty and Eric, husband and wife and owners of this gorgeous Domaines will make you feel at home and believe me, you'd never want to leave! If you're planning on getting married in Provence and looking for the perfect place, look no further, this is the place where you want to be. 

Shot on film | Mamiya 645 | Developped and Scanned by Richard Photo Lab

Overall design and execution: Lavender and Rose Weddings |  Fashion styling and bespoke dress : Rime Arodaky | Groom’s suit : Faubourg Saint Sulpice | Floral design : Laetitia C | Hair styling : Ciara Coiffure |  Makeup : Charles Cosmetics Paris | Stationery : Ever After Press |  Jewelry : Cecile Pic |Calligraphy: Hello Suzylee | Bride’s shoes: Artefacts | Videography: Pascal Dele Filmaker | Venue: Les Domaines De Patras

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Celine Chhuon Celine Chhuon

French portrait photographer - My beautiful friends | Personal project

“Whoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”

– Vincent Van Gogh

I have started a personal project called "My Beautiful Friends"

I realized how we, as women - me included - are often filled with self-doubt, questioning ourselves on whether we are fit enough, smart enough, talented enough, good enough to have the life we dream to have... Self-talk and beliefs that hold us from achieving great things, pursue big dreams that we are actually all capable to achieve and even go beyond. We underestimate the unlimited power we have inside of us. For a long time I wondered how I could use my job as wedding and portrait photographer to serve the purpose of me being on earth which is actually to serve others. And the other day, it hit me, photography can be used to empower others.

I'm surrounded with women with such such AMAZING souls yet so full of doubts... I just wanted to show through this series of #mybeautifulfriends photos, that our inner beauty starts shining out when we start




in ourselves; accepting ourselves

the way we were created

. I wanted to show my friends how beautiful they were inside out. Because when we know how to love ourselves, we know how to love others. Then everything will fall into place as love is the most powerful magnet in the Universe. Through love, everything is possible.

“Whoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”

– Vincent Van Gogh

This is my beautiful friend Marie, bathed in this amazing light of Provence.

Marie taught me about letting go and resilience. I'm so grateful to have her in my life, even though she lives in Provence and I in Paris, I know our frienship doesn't care about distance.

Marie has been looking for her inner call for a long time, but I think she has found it now. check out the video below and let me know if you agree with me ! :)

Elle cherchait sa voie, elle a trouvé sa voix


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Celine Chhuon Celine Chhuon

Boudoir Session - Lace, Red hair and freckles

French lace, red hair and freckles for the win !

This boudoir session is one of my favorite. I LOVE red hair, and freckles. To me, it's one of the most beautiful combination EVER...

Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography

Last October, I had the chance to shoot this gorgeous Boudoir session at Caroline Tran's propel workshop. Loved every single detail of it, the lingerie was stunning, with delicate and romantic lace, combined with gorgeous flower arrangement and Whitney our beautiful model. Those who know me know that I'm in love with Ginger hair and freckles ! :)

Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography
Boudoir photoshoot by Celine Chhuon Photography

Styled by 

Styled by Two's Company 


Propel Workshop 2014

Hair and Make-up by 

Chiali Meng

Florals by Lavender Flowers

Film photos are shot on Mamiya645. Dev & Scans by

Richard Photo Lab

Have a lovely week !


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